Monthly Archives: September 2015


Today Wednesday, September 30 is National Women’s Health and Fitness Day.

What is National Women’s Women’s Health and Fitness Day?

Well it is an event that this year is set for Wednesday, September 30, 2015, and in future years, is always held on the last Wednesday in September. This unique national program — with participation by local organizations throughout the U.S. — focuses attention on the importance of regular physical activity and health awareness for women.

Find some organizations in your community that may have programs for you to partake in or have your own celebration and just MOVE IT!


Today I opened my email and read the following:


YOU are a WINNER in the Grow Our Group Giveaway!

You have won “The Carbohydrate, Fiber and Sugar Counter” book!

It’s chock full of great info that’s sure to keep you on track with your low-carb lifestyle!

So props to

They are the ones who provided the contest for which I could enter.

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my prize and plan on putting it to full use.

Truthfully when I was reading my email they had me at YOU are a WINNER.  Lol


So my first week I worked out my calves.

Second week I worked out my shoulder muscles, upper arms.

Third week it is working out my thighs.

How is your challenge going?  Remember the object is to move until you get tired then next day try again third day try to go a little longer with the movement.

You are building up your muscles.  For someone who never thought they could do it, YOU can.  One small step, arm curl, can do it.  When you start moving the possibilities are literally endless.


So today I had to have a MRI done.  They gave me Valium but right when he got me in I screamed to get back out.  I am not claustrophobic.  I was scared that they wouldn’t be able to get me back out.  I was scared I was going to be stuck in the machine and I started to have a panic attack inside the capsule.

How many times have you been so scared of something that you never tried it?  How many times have you been so afraid that you would make excuses to avoid the thing you feared?

How long have you been afraid to change things in your life because you were afraid or you were comfortable with how things were?  Truth is just because you are comfortable with something that doesn’t not mean its the best for you.  Comfort foods bring you comfort but yet the are not always good for you.

How many time were you afraid to face your fear because you thought you would fail.

Guess what the only failure is when you don’t face the demons, the fears, the unhealthy habits.

Your health, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, are all very important and they all intertwine into one unit: our body.  When one unit is linked it effects the others.

So today I sat on the MRI table after he pulled me out and told him how I was so scared of getting stuck in the machine.  I asked him,” will I get stuck”, he said, “No.”  I asked, “has anyone every got stuck?”. He said, ” No.”..I then asked,”How long is the test?”.  He said,”fifteen minutes”.  So I took a deep breath, laid back back, closed my eyes and went back in.  I kept talking to myself, “You can do this. You are almost done. Deep breath..just take a deep breath.,”. Then he moved the table a smidge and it got tighter on my arms.  My heart started racing, I was freaking out.  But I just kept talking to myself and then finally I was done and I did slide out smoothly..I did not get stuck.

I faced my fear.  Funny thing is I weigh less than I did my last MRI so you would think that would have eased my mind, but nope.

It would have been so easy to get up and leave, but stayed.  I see that as a victory.


So today, I partook in my reward and dyed my hair with pink highlights.  It was fun and I got alot of compliments.

I may actually consider buying a more permanent PINK or purple highlights.

When you reward yourself make sure it is fun, even if it means getting in touch with your inner child.  The funner the reward the more motivation it creates.