Monthly Archives: September 2021


What you eat has more power than you may think. You eat unhealthy your body will be unhealthy and diseases will start; diabetes, hypertension, clogged artieries, high chlosterol, heart complications, liver and kidney problems, etc.. What would you rather do: pay to eat healthy now or pay more to get medication to elevate the problem caused by unhealthy eating later? Pills that can not cure the ailments but only elevate the symptoms allowing that disease to remain and allow you to keep eating unhealthy and diminishing your quality or life.


Do you allow yourself to have a sample size of your most tempting treat?  If you can you stop at just the sample size in front of you?  For me it depends on treat, as all treats and samples are not the same.  For example, I make nachos using one bag of Quest Nacho Tortilla chips and that satisfies my craving just fine..however when you put chocolate, peanut butter or mixed nuts (yes only mixed nuts not just a singular nut type but the vast variety of nuts in the mix) in the craving mix and I cave.. BIG TIME!! So I try to stay away from those items as much as possible. What is your downfall.